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Memphis Mori
May 5, 20204 min read
Your Job As The Client (The things Tattooers WISH they could say)
As the tattoo client, you have a responsibility: the responsibility to do your research. In this age of technology - you have no excuse...
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Memphis Mori
Jun 5, 20193 min read
Hyperrealism: A Great Tattoo vs a Great Photograph
You’ve seen hyper realistic tattoos — tattoos that look exactly like photographs, right down to the beads of sweat highlighted on the...
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Memphis Mori
Jun 5, 20193 min read
Photoshopping Tattoos: Good Business or Poor Ethics
In 2019, we know not to look at women in magazines and think they're real. We know to think critically about what we're being sold, but...
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Memphis Mori
Jun 5, 20194 min read
What to Look for in Your Next Tattoo Shop
There comes a time when every tattoo artist must leave the shop they’re working at for one reason or another. Whether the shop is closing...
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Memphis Mori
Jun 5, 20195 min read
Improve Your Brand as a Tattoo Artist
Tattooers, reality check: the industry has changed a ton in the past few years and it's time you follow suit. Being a good, solid tattoo...
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Memphis Mori
Jun 5, 201911 min read
Vegan Tattooing: Complete Vegan Product List
It’s not just the Ink and the Aftercare you have to worry about Typically when people think of vegan tattooing they think of the ink and...
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Memphis Mori
Jun 5, 201911 min read
20 Lessons All Tattoo Shop Owners NEED To Learn:
As a tattoo shop owner, there are many lessons you need to learn in order to grow your business and succeed -
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Memphis Mori
Jun 5, 20194 min read
The Foot in the Door. Tattoo Apprenticeships V. Self Taught
There are many pros and cons to both “traditional” apprenticeships and teaching yourself, but in an industry based entirely on talent,
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Memphis Mori
Jun 5, 20193 min read
How To Keep Busy During The Slow Seasons
Use the time you’re not tattooing to work on things that will help you get busier & make money
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Memphis Mori
Jun 5, 20191 min read
Tattoos on Dark Skin: Racism V. Art
No one likes the race topic because no one wants to be called out for being racist. Nonetheless, we need to confront problems head-on in...
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